donderdag 14 april 2011

~ 05

 Last Tuesday it was my big 21st birthday :D I had the best time and I have the best friends and boyfriend in the world! Clenn got me a bracelet from Tiffany's and I'm so in love with it! It is just simply adorable and cute. My lovely girlfriends got me a ticket to see the moto GP race in Assen with them! My parents also gave me an awesome gift, a new bike! I couldnt be happier, my old one was a total wreck and now I have a cute black bike with pink butterflies on it. I also got some h&m giftcards and Gossip Girl season 2 on DVD.

My parents also took me and Clenn out for dinner to Shabu Shabu, which is a new sushi restaurant that opened a while ago. I was a little sceptic about it, I've had some bad expierence with sushi and I was hoping this wasnt going to be another let down. And thank god it wasnt! It was the best sushi I ever ate and I hope me and Clenn will go back there very soon :D

I really fell in LOVE with these dishes! I love the little blossom detail in it.
As you can see the whole restaurant was with purple furniture, and my mom and dad fit in perfectly!

I had a lovely day! :)
xx, kimm.

maandag 4 april 2011

~ 04

So this weekend was a good one! The sun was shining whole day long Saturday which means I sat on my lazy ass from noon til afternoon. My longest and probably most dearest friend Sanne came over Friday and decided to sleep over to join me on the lazy Saturday. It was a typical day where everybody came and left. I even got a little color, mostly red cause of my very white skin tone but I'm sure I can get a little more tanned before we go to Italy this year.

Sunday was also a pretty lazy day. I woke up next to my boyfriend and we stayed in bed til 12. I jumped under the shower and went straight over to Paulina to watch the Moto GP race. IT WAS INSANE. I havent been into Moto GP until Nina, Paulina and Lisa infected me with their enthousiasm. They have been fans since forever and I even went with them to see a race in Assen. It was a fun expierence and I've been following the races ever since. Yesterday however was pretty intense. Many riders fell of their bikes and we were all in shock afterwards. The podium was actually very awesome, Paulinas Lisas and even my favorite made it to the podium. After seeing so many rides fall that on its own is an establishment!


vrijdag 1 april 2011

~ 03

A while ago me and my two lovely girlfriends + stefan went to a party at Tivoli, Utrecht. It was an amazing night with a live set from Goose! I danced my ass off and had a lot of fun with all of them :)

 I made these photos with my fisheye camera but you can't really tell. It was dark and i did use the flash but still something went wrong. The quality is also kind off bad since the faxing machine at my intern isnt suppose to scan photos. I got to think of  way to get these photos in better quality... I also need to figure out what type of film is best for this camera, the ones i used are a bit of a let down :(

I'm planning on buying a photobook this weekend and do a little project with it. 
Maybe even post photos of it here, if i ever find the time.
School is stressing me out and i dont have enough time to fix it all, anyway,
another 1,5 hours to go until it is weekend!

xo, kimm.

~ 02

I've been a fan of cupcakes for a long time now, started out back in the day when we all used to have a "scene name" and mine was "kimma cupcake". I still find it kind of cute, my mom even gave me a mirror with the words "kimma cupcake" and it is still hanging in my room. Recently i bought lots of stuff to make cupcakes the right way, eventhough i still havent found the perfect recipe for the buttercream. My boss at my internship knows how much i love baking and send me a link to some perfect baking machines. They are pink and cute and i thought i'd share them with you. Luckily it is my birthday within 2 weeks so i hope my mom will get the hint and give me some of these pretty babies!

i can totally see myself bake with all this stuff!

xo, kimm.

donderdag 31 maart 2011

~ 01

i've started a blog before, but never really updated it. this time i want to make it different and more personal. i went on a little trip to antwerp before christmas with my boyfriend and got a lomography fisheye camera as a present. this year i want to shoot a film every month and post the results here. i will probably also rant about a lot of random things, outfit posts and inspiration. let's see how it works out! :)

xo, kimm.